Knowledge is Power.

Even power over guns.

Why authors should know how to shoot a gun, care for a gun, and even know a tiny smidgen about making bullets:

  • Silver bullets can not in a campfire be made.
  • Silver bullets are not accurate over long ranges.
  • Functional silver bullets can only be made if you’re funded. Like Batman. Okay, maybe not that funded but for me I might as well be funded like that first.
  • I lost my suspense of belief in Dresden Files #2 because, well, silver bullets were used. Just like that. Somehow made over night. And shot over a longer range than they’re known to be accurate for. This has made me very dubious about spending money to read #3.

For the sake of literature everywhere, we should go back to rifle classes in high school, and appreciate the goodness that is knowledge.

Conclusion. Gun control = bad. :-P~~~~

If you’re an author needing to know about silver bullets, another author posted a blog series about it to read. And it’s mighty good, too:
