A Q&A with the Artist!!!

Yes! I have been invited to attend a question/answer session on Goodreads, May 18, 2 pm Central.

I was invited!! Let me just gibber over that for a moment., akja;lksjdfdujpweoaijsd;lkhvjalkf;lkhg;ljugaoijrfalkhg;aljudfaj;fldkalg

Okay with that out of the way… Goodreads is probably one of the hottest places right now for authors to use for marketing. Because of my work schedule, though, I had to back off a bit and just let the free copy available on Amazon for Heavenly Bride do its work. And then a couple of months ago I was invited to attend a Q&A session through the Goodreads group Webcomic Wonderland for Heavenly Bride.

Exciting? Yes! Yes it is! Maybe someone will show up and ask me a question that has nothing to do with porn!

I mean, it’s always exciting for a storyteller to be invited to talk about their work. And it’s also a heck of a lot more polite for it to happen that way as opposed to parking yourself in front of your idol’s table at that convention to bore them with details they don’t want to know about.  So I’m looking forward to this.

So for all of you pups out there, the date is May 18. Time is 2 PM central time, 3 PM eastern, and no I still don’t have the hang of time zones enough to be able to tell you beyond that. The link is here:
