The charm is real! (But the cake is a lie.)

It’s been a nifty day for two of the Apocalypse projects: good news all around. News that made me squeal in joy.

The first was an email from one of the backers of Pestilence’s book, The Page of Cups. It appears that their book finally arrived and their “girls” love it. They sent pictures: probably the best pictures of the book ever. EVER! With the girls. I thought you’d like to take a look:

And you can see in this next image, his girls are even dancing around the circle ho-down style:

What wonderful news!

Also, in an attempt to remain positive about 10 Confessions’ predicament with the Kickstarter campaign, I put out a private email to what backers there were offering them a free PDF of chapter 1 if the campaign failed. After all, I write this thing so it will be read. I certainly don’t mind giving away a free copy or two.

I also made 10 little chapter 1 charms all by myself – because if each chapter is going to have an associated charm I gotta start somewhere. Even if the campaign fails. For consistency. Here’s a movie about them.

Chapter 8’s production pitch

So I have this Kickstarter campaign going to create the printed version of Akashik’s Chapter 8 – being as it’s traditional to print each chapter in American comic book format.

I revamped how it looks today for folks who bore easily. See?

Now if only I could get people to notice it ….