Today’s post starts with my usual fury at that goddamned Silhouette Cut-It-Yourself. It cut like a dream yesterday and the day before, completely behaved. I started to have hope again, and I sat down and put together a project for Etsy. Took me quite some time.

Now that the project is ready to go, the piece of shit is once again not cutting well. In fact, it has decided to take a turn for the worse. The track that guides the little blade back and forth keeps making grinding sounds, and every time it does that the cutting alignment falls off in funny ways. I’m back to wishing I could beat the company’s CEO with it. OMG I hate this defective little piece of shit.

I managed to get a new page for The Heavenly Bride done last night and up for the paying readers. If you’re a Cerberus Candidate, I encourage you to go see it if you haven’t already! This page happened after another script change. I added just a bit more detail for our main protagonist there, flying along. Being all… quiet… and stuff.

And don’t forget to give me comments on the website. Comments are like gold.

I got lucky with this page actually. On top of the cutter being a piece of shit, my computer is dying again. It let me print one final blue line and then bam. Whatever is wrong with it went further south and I can no longer print bluelines. Got lucky!

I’m just not sure what’s wrong with the computer to fix it. The problem gets worse daily, though. I have to reboot frequently. It gives me “out of memory” errors now. Maybe it’s the RAM, maybe it’s the motherboard. Thing is here, normally I’d say on the website ‘hey I need help’. I’m not doing that this time. I did mention the problem. I also mentioned how we as a family have been struggling a lot lately and I’ve decided to just let the computer die because it’s too costly to keep it up right now.  Mind you, miracles can happen but right now my priorities are more in line with keeping the heat on and the house from being taken away. I’m not making much money anymore – not just because I’d backed off from things – and I dunno. You just get soul weary after a while, and tired of asking for help. And people get tired of hearing you ask for help. So, for now I’m letting things erode. If they go the way of Akashik, so be it for now.

Miracles do tend to happen around me, though. So although my lifelong instinct, born of poverty, is to go “waaah panic!” like I often do… I don’t want to right now. I’ll wait.

I have evil Christmas cards to send. I also decided this year’s Christmas presents would be the old-fashioned variety – homemade. I probably would have chosen homemade even if we did have money. When you get surrounded by materialism, selfishness, and commercialism the way mainstream media is doing by the bucket loads a little extra this year, you kind of end up going “bah, humbug.” So. Bah!

When I get the cards out to their chosen recipients, I might remember to share it here. Be prepared and dig your foxholes early.