10 Confessions Campaign update

Well, it’s been a couple of days since I started the Kickstarter Campaign to raise support to get the second chapter of 10 Confessions done. I have a couple of backers and something like 6% of my goal reached.

Being as one of the “thank you gifts” is going to be a limited edition acrylic charm of Zoe, our leading lady, I had to design it. I sat down last night with some nifty software I found to go with my webcam and began the designing – recording it for folks to see. I’m told folks like to watch me draw, so hey. Why not?

If you’d like to see it, click this link: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/spearcarrier/10-confessions-and-a-kiss-chapter-1/posts/286577

Or you can watch this embedded video of it on Youtube!

Wanna help out?

Just click the link above to go to the campaign site – $1 will help. Doesn’t have to be much.

If you simply want to buy your ebook copy of chapter 1, here’s our distributor and it’s website page: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/23596

Or you can spread the word for me. Talk about how there’s this really great romantic comedy of a comic that’s only available in the traditional way – sales – and how it needs help to make it to the end. Try praising my genius while you’re at it. I hear that works sometimes.

I’d also say you could send me lots of chocolate, as an energy incentive, but my hips might be saddened by that.